Integrate Spring Boot with Docker
Find latest version in repository spring-boot-docker.
We need:
- a Docker daemon server installed on Linux host(or VM)
- a spring-boot project to be integated into Docker
- a Docker Hub account
Docker 1.12.0
Maven 3.3
Spring Boot 1.4.2.RELEASE
docker-maven-plugin spotify 0.4.11
1. Docker daemon server
version: 1.12.0, based on Linux kernel 3.x
In this case, CentOS 7.
1.1 CA
- Generate CA
Follow this guide, Protect Docker daemon socket
Make sure your IP is added into extfile.cnf.
1.2 Startup and connection
Start up daemon with certificate mode:
$ dockerd –tlsverify –tlscacert=ca.pem –tlscert=server-cert.pem –tlskey=server-key.pem \
-H= connection:
$ docker –tlsverify –tlscacert=ca.pem –tlscert=cert.pem –tlskey=key.pem \
-H=$HOST:2376 version
Possible error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Solution: check ip or firewalld, use curl command to detect.
2. Spring Boot
You can use Gradle or Maven to integerate with docker, in this case, we use Maven 3.x.
2.1 pom.xml config
1 | <plugin> |
2.2 build command
Build docker image(and you’ll find result on docker daemon server):
mvn -X clean package docker:build
Follow this guide, Spring Boot with Docker
Possible error: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
Solution: Check if daemon server is startup in secure mode. This error may occur when daemon start without certificate.
3. Images management
Check images:
docker image
(Requires tls secure by default configuration, or use “docker –tlsverify –tlscacert=ca.pem –tlscert=cert.pem –tlskey=key.pem -H=$HOST:2376 image” instead)
Start up with specified name (spring-boot) and port mapping(visit 8080 of host to reach 8080 of container):
docker run –name spring-boot -d -p 8080:8080 skyvoice/spring-boot-docker
Visit http://your-docker-host:8080/docker to check result.
Push this image into your Hub:
docker login
docker push skyvoice/spring-boot-docker
(Requires an account in Docker Hub and a prepared repository named spring-boot-docker. New version of Docker will not auto create repository any more.)