Server Architecture

1. Scalable Computing/Analysis

1.1 Three architecture ?

1.1.1 Shared-Nothing versus Shared-Everything
  • Patterns for Distributed or Parallel computing
  • big problems, break it down, computing unit
  • which pattern to use
    trader-off between compute and communication costs


1.1.2 Shared-Memory
  1. single machine, multiple processes
    Apply in:
  • GPU-based parallel-computing architecture
  • Deep Learning
  1. multiple machines
    RDMA (Remote direct memory access)
    data-center network
    warehouse-scale computing


1.1.3 Shared-Storage
  • in 80’s, NFS/DFS/Andrew
  • today, SAN/NAS/Virtualized storage

2. Core elements in architecture


Ref Book:

3. Server Architecture

3.1 服务器三大体系结构

Three architecture for business server

  1. Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) 主流服务器架构


Share same physical memory, access to any address takes same time
Thus is also called: 一致存储访问结构
Uniform Memory Access (UMA)
Feature: sharing
Extension: more memory, faster CPU, more CPU, more i/o, more device
Defect: extension limited
Best practice: 2-4 CPUs
  1. Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)
  • 海量并行处理结构: 多个SMP服务器(节点)互联而成
  • 完全无共享结构(Share Nothing)
  • Thus:扩展能力最好,目前512个节点,数千个CPU
  1. Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
  • 非一致存储访问结构
  • Feature: 多个CPU模块,每个模块多个CPU
  • 独立内存,I/O
  • 通过互联模块(eg. crossbar switch) 连接和信息交互
  • 支持上百个CPU
  • Defects:远地内存延时太多
  • 系统性能无法线性增加

    MPP vs. NUMA

Criteria MPP NUMA
节点互联机制 I/O inside same physical server
内存访问机制 access only local access to all, remote delays
Usage data warehouse, i/o OLTP, little data, fast processing


Transitioning from SMP to MPP, the why and the how

Multi core basics: AMP and SMP

Cluster Hardware Architecture

3.2 多核系统三大架构

  1. SMP
  • 一个操作系统的实例可以同时管理所有CPU内核,且应用并不绑定某一个内核
  1. Asymmetric Multi-Processing (AMP)
  • 非对称多处理架构
  • 每个CPU内核可能运行一个独立的操作系统或同一操作系统的独立实例(instantiation)


Criteria AMP SMP
耦合 松耦合多CPU系统 紧耦合多CPU系统
OS one CPU, one OS multi CPU, share one OS
Apply less more
  1. Bound Multi-Processing (BMP)
  • 混合多处理架构
  • 一个操作系统的实例可以同时管理所有CPU内核,但每个应用被锁定于某个指定的核心

3.3 补充

Seemingly, SMP(UMA), NUMA and MPP refers to CPU and RAM architecture

And SMP, AMP, BMP refers to CPU and OS architecture

More on 17-09-29:
SMP: multiprocessor computer hardware and software architecture
UMA: a shared memory architecture used in parallel computers
UMA may use bus-based SMP arch or crossbar switches

Intel 用了很牛的技术 SMT (同步多线程),一个CPU同时可以执行两个线程,如双核CPU可以有4个逻辑处理器

SMT(Simultaneous Multi-threading)
Def: Permits multiple independent threads to execute simultaneously on the SAME core.
Weaving together multiple “threads” on the same core

SMT v.s. Hyper Threading
SMT: an architecture feature of some processors
allows multiple thread to issue instructions on each cycle(same time ?)
Hyper-Threading is a specific implementation of SMT.

4 Design of System

4.1 Building block

decomposition and combination

  1. System bus
    separate producer and consumer

  2. Routing
    external route: different input –> |dispatch| –> component
    internal route: service level, eg.consul, way like pattern matching

Mind data
Identify its ID before reaching Bus, called data normalization/data encapsulation

  1. Queue
    A special version of bus + route[optional] + storage ?
    amends for the speed collapse of consumer and producer

    1. Pub/Sub
      An candidate for route
      Managed by Publisher

    2. Protocol
      To communicate though bus or queue, we need a protocol to define behaviour.
      like an SLA, service level agreement

    4.2 vital services

    1. sweeping
      exception close, restart, restore…
      eg. supervisor/child process in erlang, supervision tree(like nginx)

    2. High Availability

    3. Security
      divide into initiative and passive(主动安全与被动安全)
      Initiative: authentication/authorization + TLS + encrypt + minimum input/output
      Passive: firewall

  2. Overdraft protection
    auto scaling/back pressure/Service degradation
