Linux Command Line Basics

Linux Command Line Basics

System Directory Structure

Case sensitive
Root path: /

Path Detail
/bin executable commands(for all users)
/sbin super bin (for root)
/boot startup, kernel
/dev devices (files)
/etc config files, pure text files
/home user home dirctory
/root root user home
/lib library files
/opt large software
/proc process
/sys hardware info
/tmp temporary
/usr user application
/var variable, e.g log
/media media
/mnt mount

File Operations

Create New File

$ > newfile / >> new file
$ touch newfile
$ cat > file


$ rm -rf *


Modify access time:

$ touch filename

Modify content:

$ vi
$ vim
$ nano

Move, Copy, Rename

$ mv src dest
$ cp src dest

File Mode/Permission

Permission Groups

u: user
g: group
o: other
a: all users

Permission Types

r: read, 4
w: write, 2
x: execute, 1

Permissions for Directory

r: read structure
w: modify structure
x: access directory(as working directory)


$ chmod/ll
$ lsattr/chattr
$ umask 

Directory Operations

Change Directory

$ cd
$ pwd

Special notation:
. present directory
.. parent directory
~ home of present user
~user home of this user
/ root
- last working directory

Create path

$ mkdir [-P] path

With -P option, create parent path if not exist.

Remove Directory

$ rmdir [-P] path

Command Operations

View previous commands(of present user):

$ history

Execute previous command:

$ !num
$ !!

Search command:

Ctrl + R