Note of Functional Thinking

The best way to get perfect work is to present it to people repeatedly. Some relevace or common feature can only be discovered after deeper research and passive thinking.

Forget above words.

Chap 1 Why

Learning a new programming paradigm, is not only about mastering a new language, but also thinking in a new way.

OO makes code understandable by encapsulating moving parts. FP makes code understandable by minimizing moving parts.
By Michael Feathers

  • Resusability
    OOP: messages between classes
    FP: data struct and workflow ?

Chap 2 Shift


  • Imperative Processing
    A sequence of commands
    for iteration

  • Functional
    Expression and Transformation
    Model mathematical formula
    Avoid mutable states

Common Building Blocks

  • filter
  • map
  • reduce/fold(foldLeft/foldRight)

Scala: implicit parameter

numbers filter (_ % 3 == 0)

Chap 3 Cede

Ceding control to the language/runtime

  • Higher-Order function over iteration
  • Closure
    A feature implemented by all functional language

    A function
    A special function
    Wrap all its reference in a context

Lazy execution?

Hold context, instead of states
Leave states management to language

  • Currying and Partial Application of function
    Currying: process of Transformation

Partial Application: apply part of parameters ?

Do not confuse with Partial Function in Scala

  • Recursion
    Another perspective on Linked List: head and tail

Tail-call optimization: avoid stack growth

Chap 4 Smarter, Not Harder


Method level inner cache
Only for pure function


Lazy evaluation
Compute element when use

Delay expensive calculation
Infinite collection
Help map, filter

Chap 5 Evolve

Few data structures, many operations

Dispatch mechanism:
dynamically choose the behavior
e.g. pattern match in Scala, switch case

[In Java, switch case only supports constant value]
Java may use Factory/Abstract Factory patterns

Clojure has multimethod, like polymorphism

  1. Operator Overload

  2. Functional Data Structure
    Referential transparency

Exception handle:

Chap 6 Advance(Pattern and Reusability)

Groovy @Immutable

Chap 7 Practical Thinking

Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
Will use Eventual Consistency instead of transaction
BASE instead of ACID

Functional Database
Immutable Data
Record all schema and data updates
Separate read and write
Immutable valud and timestamp in event-driven architect

Chap 8 Polyglot and Polyparadigm (Multi paradigm)

Meta programming

Functional Pyramid
Language Categories.jpg
Concerning functional:
Language with paradigms overlay.jpg